Thursday, January 3, 2013

fighting chance

I went in for a "real" ultrasound done by a tech in the radiology department at Kaiser today. It was short and sweet. Except for the unforgiving ultrasound wand. Baby measured right on target and we had a heart beat of 150. I do not feel like we are clear for take off as I have lost them later than this, but I do feel like this gestation #7 has a fighting chance.

The midwife put me on a diet. Fair enough. She wants me to watch my carbs & weight because of my high risk for gestational diabetes. She also wants me to exercise to be as fit as possible for a possible vbac. I must admit the thought of giving birth the natural way at the hospital with a midwife and little medical intervention would be a dream come true. But that is getting ahead of myself. One baby step at a time.

If I make it as far as the anatomy scan I will be seen by the perinatologist. Looking into the new maternal blood draws that test fetal dna. My hospital is behind, the midwife is looking into it for me.

Pregnancy again feels like swimming against the current. Having to go over my complicated history and even the details of my pregnancy with Titus was tiring. Sad.  I like and trust my midwife and I think that means a lot. 


  1. I hope this is it! Keeping all appendages crossed for you and baby #2.

  2. Sending you good thoughts - I really hope this one keeps going well for you!

  3. prayers going up for you and baby#2 for smooth sailing.

  4. Still keeping my fingers crossed! xx
